[桌遊到貨] 8月第二批英文桌遊到貨
Aug 2020 2nd Batch English BoardGames Huge Arrival List:
Gloomhaven: Removable Sticker Set
Sushi Go Party!
Terraforming Mars
The Mind
The Mind Extreme
Starlight Stage
Spirit Island
Forgotten Waters
More games are not listed, feel free to contact us for more information...
Enquiry Phone Number: 53935367 立即網上購買(Online Store)
#Copenhagen #ForgottenWaters #GloomhavenRemovableSticker #策略遊戲 #桌遊擴充 #桌遊配件 #桌遊現貨 #boardgameshk #香港桌遊店 #棋間限定
======================= 棋間限定桌上遊戲專門店 網上商店: http://bit.ly/boardgames-shop
Homepage: https://allonboardhk.com/ Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/allonboardhk Instragram: https://www.instagram.com/allonboardshop YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/boardgamevideo 地址: 油麻地上海街393號二樓全層(油麻地MTR A1)